reviewd by you

July 31, 2009

Another thursday review!

Reviewd by you

another review to you happend heres thisd weeks

I dont really know. All of them are amazing!!i think it might be the live music in the lighthouse because you can hear your own music. for example you play the drums and you hear the sound of drums playing. CP ROCKS!!


yes thats true it was fun but odnt forget tomarrow its out the music from musicjam not a peaice of JAM! read the penugin news  he wonts to change alot the things under ground the windows   now this weeks questin is

What’s your favorite Gary invention – and why?

mine is the pizza game and alot of stuff


July 30, 2009

Same titles! i hope you liked music jam i did but not over yet check this story out


ok you sad its gone then go to club penguins offline page! 101 days offline you can download them usic sheets


but if u know the soudn then copy it i dont know whats it says!  i havent taken band should i yes or no comment below

Q: We checked out the sheet music – Where can penguins find that song in Club Penguin?
A: You can hear it on the homepage when you click the Tour Guide and start the movie.
Q: The team is doing some work at the Lighthouse stage so that (just like during the Music Jam) we’ll be able to hear certain instruments when we play there. What do you think?

A: I’m glad. However, I personally like seeing the songs that penguins play and sing all over Club Penguin even more.
Q: Do you play any instruments? Got any quick tips to share with other musically inclined penguins?
A: Yep, I can play a few – the alto saxophone, a few percussion instruments, but my all-time favorite is the piano. To any of you who play real instruments, keep it up! Find a song and see if you can learn how to play it, or even try and compose your own music. All of Club Penguin’s music is made by someone, and maybe someday that someone could be you!

copy right alwood By Clubpenguin whats new 2009 

Speaking of music friday is the day its all out so you can rock on in your igloo

Music jam Hiting out for another year!!!!!

July 29, 2009

Another year of music jam is below and music jam Was so fun as a member i found candice and Penguin band i got a short interview with one of them!!!! u can guess Cause It will be out soon Who do youy think it will be Franky any body else! guess below

Music jam a huge hit

music jam was a huge hit

we seen A lot of bands in this past week but the cp team wonts more So go to the lighthouse and play the intrument you got but in more news The tracks to the music for the music jam music will be in your igloo in this weeks ONLY!!! so take a look at this picture


The party music is comming this friday!!!!!!!!!!!! so check out that new  catlog and get ready to jam out 1nce more

voteing begins!

July 25, 2009

Voteing begins wat you voted for!

Voteing starting

voteing has started for the first time for a color! sad news is you can onloy vote once


so u voted its there not to long tuesday of july 28th but there new post cards now avabile! 3 to tell your buddys to vote for this and that

in some other news Music jam is on its last weekend we invite you to shout abotu it below!!!


July 24, 2009

Hey peopel like i been saying music jam rocks so view band stuff at look for those videos! you might be in them but for the 2nd time a review! by you and a anual cp review

review BY YOU!

a review by you is added and a color competetion is added as well we got a own review you summited into us  thats after cps but lets take a look at wat you asked

Do you like the Lavender, Maroon, or Aqua? And why?
that answer is

Coolman said:
i like…ALL OF THEM its so hard to choose. I like aqua cuz i love the color blue. I like Maroon cuz its a fun bright color! And last but not least i like Lavender because it is a summer color and it is summer! U rock cp!!!!!!!! Untill then waddle on!
but dotn forget that color contest starts tomarrow!


now this weeks REVIEWD BY YOU SENT IN TO US! well like you to shout out in are comment box below and are Questin for this week is Did you liek the music jam plz keep it short! now aere review by you summited

I liked to see alto at the music jam i liked the music last year it wass so awsome!

Owner rights

yes good answer and thx for righting ur are 2nd one

yes this is all happending BUT CPS


We hope you’re loving the Music Jam and we’d love to know what your favorite party area is – and why?


July 23, 2009

Hey people as i said last week on mammoth the server is showing bandd performances look for them! on my videos pages but lets get to reasons not rto miss it

Music jam missing

music jam stuff if your missing out theres alot going on and alot of new things going on but here stuff you may not even know

go to the light house it will play your intrument

the undeground cave has a piano when you step on it will play that sound

musical iscalles at the mine

battle of the bands are at the snow forts(and the vip pass!)

the music maker 3000 its at the snow forts seacret room new one but its diffrent

the stage is having diffrent and more rumors of it swicthing alot

take a look at this


have a good party!


July 21, 2009

Hey people i hope you like it also happening i have your band performances at my youtube Check them out but lets get to it really

Ready to vote

we got alot of comments about the review but i got to say you liek the musicjam so now since your alwood on friday your goiong to vote but this is going from friday to tuesday you can vote for a new color heres weat the booth looks like

Picture 5.png

so i say july 28th ends voteing in some other news comming inb the penguin tales contest starts thursday hostedf by 101 days of fun thats all we got for you vikings m,ight have been told


July 18, 2009

Hey people i updated the people viewing count and thx for all thats viewing but now since you have done that im going to open a page soon on the Top called ___________ its going to be named comming up but first MUSIC JAM!2009!


whoaa its finally here and much better if your a member you goign backstage but memb ers are goign to be avabile to pick up vip passes at the shop and the snow forts that pass will give you to all member places take a look at fun

Blog Pic[1].jpg

but to add on to this its going to be a New ingloo catlog so dont forget to check that out!!!!the catlog is music jam stuff so yeh we hope you have a great time and will see you monday morning or any day this weekend i will be on cp duenick600 server:mammoth anytime below 9:00 pm est and 9 am est thAts all for now


u wont to help us as we said were going to need some support on the CLOSED DUE TO UPGRADEING P-AGE! WICTH IS NOW CALLED WE NEED HELP

SO wont to help yeh were poping a poll up the choices are goign to be wat we create next for the view the 1st one


2ND is a make a facebook

3rd is to make a youtube vote now!!! it will be created before augest 1st! so vote now


July 17, 2009

hey people i got so many emails from you can email that two btwl if you wonbt somthing on this blog name the subject Cptracker and send us fanmail ideas or Questins about wat i do everyday! but lets get to the jam!


hello everybody its not grape or strawberry jam is MUSIC JAM tomarrow starting as you see all over the cp place but we like to show are review for last time questin here was the questin that was asked

How are you and your friends getting ready for Music Jam Party?
and heres the answer

Me and my friends are all getting ready for the Music Jam Party already. We’ve got all of our instruments gathered up and have already started practicing! We have these rockin’ cool outfits too. I think this Music Jam will be the biggest party on Club Penguin yet! We’ve also planned to meet the Penguin Band backstage. We can hardly wait for this rockin’ cool party! Waddle On!

Ha good one i like it but better news cp will have a Pick for A NEW COLOR! HERES ARE CHOICES and the next review


so wats next weeks questin yeh here it is

Do you like the Lavender, Maroon, or Aqua? And why?
i love them all itsw goin g to be 2 times hard to choice my faviorte but thgis will be at the forest soon


hey people its are cp alert update this is from me and sometimes cp cp doesnt send alot due to busyniess but i got one

A BUG THAT ALL users that us penguin stormk or hackers may damage the server!! thats are CPALERT


July 16, 2009

Hey people i got a message by Clubpenguin the other day since im with there wacth support email only limmited are on it they give it to bloogers like me or people that will tell but they have sent out the first call of hacking! well have that story after!

Music designing

well your wondering do you like music bu8t the music jams is this friday ab out 2 days from wednesday but take a look at a sketch and a Real thing just waiting if you wont to help with that long building get to work




Q: I know there are a lot of different music stages for this party. Which one was the most fun to work on?
A: All the stages were great to work on, but if I had to pick a favorite I’d say the big stage at the dock. It changes themes throughout the party.


Q: How did you come up with all the different decorations?
A: The focus was kept on two things, music stages and things that make noise. So there are different stages, but also some cool noise-making surprises!


Q: I heard rumors about a chocolate fountain in one of the backstage areas. Is that true?
A: Wait! There’s a chocolate fountain Backstage!?!? Golly, look at the time, I better. . . umm. . . get back to work. . . at the Backstage. .

the party is starting this friday of course!MUSIC JAM needs builders next is are ALERT!


people hey welcome to are first message that i have published on this blog about this but lets get to wat its saying and a inprovement to STOP THEM! but the current working new traniers are that are working proberly!are the




those are the working ones but Clubpenguin has been working on stopping them for good as they realsed this message during that alert!

We are going to try to stop all the 3rd party programs soon but in the meantim e plz convince them to STop!